Downtown is the center of our economy and a reflection of our community.
The Pendleton Downtown Association works to intertwine our downtown's heritage, atmosphere and small businesses with the culture our community has crafted since 1880.
By intertwining our local culture, arts, entertainment, and heritage, the Pendleton Downtown Association works to create a sustainable base for our economy. In 2015, Downtown Pendleton was, collectively, the 3rd largest employer in Pendleton. According to the Destination Development Association, a leading authority in community, tourism, downtown, and brand development, Downtowns are second only to schools in community Return on Investment and are a representative of a community's health to visitors and residents.
Downtown is also a growing contributor to Tourism. According to Travel Oregon, 35% of Visitors to Eastern Oregon visited Historic Sites and Landmarks, 43% of Visitors are interested specifically in Historic Places, and 26% in specifically cultural activities; these are the highest responses in these categories. Downtown Pendleton represents the only combination of these factors in Pendleton. Furthermore, the Retail Trade Federation asserts that "80% of non-lodging tourism spending occurs in intimate, pedestrian friendly environments" i.e. downtown.
Why is downtown so important to our economy?
Overall, the PDA works to focus our community partners, local organizations, and members on downtown because downtown is a critical factor in attracting new residents, encouraging entrepreneurship, and growing our economy. According to the Min Center for Economic Policy, "On a dollar-for-dollar basis, the local economic impact of independently owned businesses is significantly greater than that of national chains, this study concludes. Analyzing data collected from 28 locally owned retail businesses in Portland, Maine, along with corporate filings for a representative national chain, the researchers found that every $100 spent at locally owned businesses contributes an additional $58 to the local economy. By comparison, $100 spent at a chain store in Portland yields just $33 in local economic impact. The study concludes that, if residents of the region were to shift 10 percent of their spending from chains to locally owned businesses, it would generate $127 million in additional local economic activity and 874 new jobs."
By keeping our spending local, we increase our economy's sustainability and resilience. This is the key to sustainable growth and development.
This is why the PDA develops partnerships that stimulate economic vitality and investment in the downtown core through sustainable, community-driven initiatives that celebrate our heritage.
We are a non-profit organization located in the heart of Eastern Oregon and we focus on the sustainable development of our downtown core through strategic, community-driven initiatives. These initiatives utilize the Main Street America Four Point Approach: Organization, Economic Vitality, Promotion, and Design.
As a Transforming Level Community within the Oregon Main Street program, we implement long-term planning as we seek to enhance the physical appearance of the district through the development of strategic design management systems and the rehabilitation of historic buildings. Utilizing the resources granted to us as a member of the National Main Street Center, we strengthen our district's existing and potential economic base by providing valuable resources and support to our members as well as developing marketing and promotion strategies.
We strive to serve with integrity, build open, honest relationships, and empower our community partners.